Monday, December 1, 2008


bulan desember, bulan yang di tunggu2.
1. bisa ngitung hari kapan pulang jakarta dan bisa ngerasain liburan bneran karna udah ga ada beban sekolah lagi
2. bulan desember taun ini.. gw 17 taun =) YAYY!
3. ada acara reunian SD setelah 6taun ga ketemu
4. akhirnya gw ga di cap 'anak sekolahan' lagi


gw di kagetkan dengan sms "u're a wonderful girl that i've ever met. Im officially proud of you.. bla bla bla.." dari orang yang gw kira GA bakal sms gitu setelah apa yang gw lakuin ke dia. WOW..!


DAD!! goodluck for everything,, wishing you all the very best! im always behind you, no matter what you are going to do or where you're going to. im here to give you everything that i can afford to give. i will always pray for the best. for you and for us. i try my very best not to cry everytime i hear from you. i know how much trouble you're going through and im just hoping that we are ok. we will get through this together. me love you

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